Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center YouTube Channel Review

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb., Hello everyone!

Welcome back to my blog. Nice to see you again 🤗. In this post, I would like to review a learning English YouTube that I often use to learn English. The learning English YouTube channel that I want to review is "Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center". 
- What is Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center?
Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center is an English course and training institution which place is in the village of Pare, Kediri City, East Java, Indonesia. Some people in Indonesia, especially students call it as English Village.

Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center was founded by Mr. Kalend osen in 1976 and gained much interest among Indonesian students as he presented a good, interesting, and favorite English course among the students. In addition, the mentors in Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center are not only Indonesians, but also foreigners.

- Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center YouTube Channel

As a student, I need a learning English medias or applications to improve my English skills, one of them that I use is a YouTube app. On YouTube, I subscribed some channels for learning English, and my favorite channel to learn English is "Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center".

Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center YouTube Channel has some cheerful, passionate, and good mentors in delivering English learning materials. This channel already has more than 700k subscribers and provides English learning videos which the number of the videos is about 1000 videos. Interesting, isn't it?

- The Contents of Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center YouTube Channel
Through Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center YouTube channel, the contents which created by the mentors are about basic, intermediate, and advanced English materials such as the use of grammars, verbs, tenses, and even more complex materials for free.

Each material will be fully discussed and for some long materials will be continued. So, there is no need to worry about finding the content or incomplete material.

Here are some contents which provided in Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center YouTube Channel : 

- Strengths of Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center YouTube Channel
The strengths of this channel are this channel provides enough complete materials to students who are still at the basic level, intermediate level, or advanced level. So, this channel can be used for all levels. In addition, the explanation that mentors present in this channel is easy to understand because the mentors not only speak English, but also Indonesian.

- Weaknesses of Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center YouTube Channel
The weaknesses of this channel are that sometimes there are some English learning contents that has few times, and the examples which given in the material are limited, so we have to look for more examples of the material through another channel or application.

Well everyone, that's all for me of my review about Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center YouTube Channel. I think, this channel is highly recommended to those of you who want to improve your English skills through the materials provided. It is suitable for learners of all ages, children, youth, and adults. I hope this can be useful for us.

For your information about Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center YouTube Channel, you can click the link below!
Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center

Thank you so much for reading my blog and wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb. 🙏

Name : Dinda Ayu Hikmah Pertiwi
Class : R4H
NPM : 201912500887
Computer Assisted Language Learning 


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