
Djamu Maknyuss Yahuuut

Haloo semuanyaa, sebelumnya sudah baca review mengenai Djamu Maknyuss kan yah?  Masih ingat kan kita menyediakan 3 varian rasa diantaranya Djamu Kunyit Asam, Djamu Beras Kencur, dan Djamu si Jahe Merah. Semuanya sangat bermanfaat bagi tubuh kita terutama dalam meningkatkan stamina tubuh dan menjaga kesehatan imun.  Berikut aku kasih lagi ketiga gambarnyaa dibawah ini :                                                                                                                                                                  Di bagian kiri terdapat Djamu Kunyit Asam, bagian tengah yaitu Djamu Beras Kencur, dan bagian kanan ada si Djamu Jahe Merah..      Jadi ketiga varian Djamu Maknyuss tercipta yaitu dari  lingkungan yang awalnya kami amati, yang mana banyak dari tetangga sekitar rumah tidak sempat untuk membuat jamu sendiri dirumahnya lantaran sudah lelah bekerja di luar rumah, bahkan ada yang tidak bisa meraciknya menjadi minuman yang enak diminum. Selain itu, banyak penjual jamu

Djamu Maknyuss Review

Hai, Apa kabar semuanya?  Semoga selalu sehat-sehat yaa..  Masih ingat kan dengan produk Djamu Maknyuss kami yang saat pandemi menemani hari-hari kalian?  Nah, disini aku mau coba review produk ini nih sekalian interaksi lagi sama kalian dan pengunjung baru (semoga ada dan banyak) hehehe.. Oke, langsung kita mulai aja yuk!                                                                                              "DJAMU MAKNYUSS"                         Jadiiii, Djamu Maknyuss kita terdiri dari 3 varian rasa yaituuu :  1. Kunyit Asam          First , Djamu kunyit asam yang memiliki banyak manfaat bagi tubuh diantaranya mampu menurunkan kadar gula darah, mencegah dan mengurangi resiko kanker, meningkatkan fungsi otak dan daya tahan tubuh, serta dapat mengatasi bau badan. Oiya satu lagi, siapa disini buat para cewek yang suka merasakan nyeri di perut saat menstruasi hari pertama? nah djamu kunyit asam ini solusiinyaa, karena dalam kunyit asam terdapat kandungan kurkumin berfun

Let's Get To Know About Borobudur Temple

  BOROBUDUR TEMPLE Source image : One of the most beautiful destinations in Indonesia is Borobudur Temple. Borobudur Temple is a tourist destination located in Magelang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Borobudur Temple may be familiar to Indonesian tourists and foreigner tourists as a must-visit tourist attraction while going on vacation. Besides having charm and beautiful scenery, Borobudur Temple also has a unique temple structure system. The temple has structure system in the form of a stepped pyramid, composed of interlocking andesite stone blocks. Borobudur Temple was originally made only as a place of worship and pilgrimage of Buddhists, but over times Borobudur Temple is also used as a tourist destination.   Borobudur Temple has interesting history and facts. The temple, which was built around the 8th century in 800 AD during the reign of the Syailendra dynasty in the Ancient Mataram Kingdom which took tens to hundreds of years

CALL Course Review

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb., Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog. Nice to see you again 🤗. In this post, I would like to review a course. The course that I want to review is Computer Assisted Language Learning, or many people called as "CALL". - What is CALL? Computer Assisted Language Learning or many people called as CALL is a learning media which uses computer to assist us learn language. Also, CALL course is expected to increase the interaction between teachers and students in the learning process, and students can improve their language skills, especially in English. - What I Get From CALL Course I get quite a lot of thing of the CALL course, this course promises me a lot of benefits as a student, among which is the flexibility of time. CALL course allows me as a student to be able to choose when I want to study, what topics to study, and how long time I want to study. Besides that, this course can also remove the distance obstacle. It's def

Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center YouTube Channel Review

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb., Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog. Nice to see you again 🤗. In this post, I would like to review a learning English YouTube that I often use to learn English. The learning English YouTube channel that I want to review is "Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center".  - What is Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center? Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center is an English course and training institution which place is in the village of Pare, Kediri City, East Java, Indonesia. Some people in Indonesia, especially students call it as English Village. Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center was founded by Mr. Kalend osen in 1976 and gained much interest among Indonesian students as he presented a good, interesting, and favorite English course among the students. In addition, the mentors in Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center are not only Indonesians, but also foreigners. - Kampung Inggris LC - Language Center YouTube Channel A

Johnny Grammar’s Word Challenge by British Council Review

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb., Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog. Nice to see you again 🤗. In this post, I would like to review an app again. This time, the app that I want to review is about English application learning, and the app is "Johnny Grammar's Word Challenge".  Learn with Johnny Grammar's Word Challenge by British Council.  - What is Johnny Grammar’s Word Challenge? Johnny Grammar's Word Challenge is a learning English app which you can use for improving your English skills, this app was published by British Council. Johnny Grammar’s Word Challenge is a quiz for English learners to test common vocabulary, spelling, and grammar that appears in everyday English. This app has been downloaded over a million times and it has gotten about 33,000 reviews from it users. How to use Johnny Grammar’s Word Challenge? 1. First, you can use this app by downloading this app at play store or app store (iOS). This app is free, so you can

Review About Educandy

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb., Hello Everyone! Welcome back to my blog. Nice to see you again 🤗. Well, in this case I would like to review about "Educandy". What Is Educandy? So, Educandy is an app for educational games. It is designed to learn on subjects with cute theme that makes us not bored, so that we can learn also we can play games at the same time. In addition, this Educandy has an unique slogan entitled "making learning sweeter". Anyone can use Educandy such as an educator, teachers, students, and parents as a tool for learning and teaching activities. Well, next I want to review also about my roles as a player and as an user of Educandy. First, I want to review about my role as a player or Educandy. As a player of Educandy, I think Educandy is an app that easy to access and download. Although, Educandy is not only can be accessed online, we can also use this application by downloading this app at the play store. This Educandy is so interesting with